DeMystifying The S.W.O.T. Analysis Teaching Webinar
Not S.W.A.T. ... It's S.W.O.T.!
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. The S.W.O.T. is one of the most important strategic tools utilized in business today. Whether you are a large corporation, a growing established business, or a small Mom & Pop family-owned business, The S.W.O.T. is designed to uncover the roadmap for success within your organization. The DeMystifying the S.W.O.T. training webinar is designed to educate small and medium business owners on how to conduct a S.W.O.T. Analysis on their small business. Participants will be taken through the step-by-step process complete with real-time examples. Instructions and worksheets are included to reinforce and customize the learning process.
Here's What You'll Learn In This Webinar
Identify Internal
Strengths & Weaknesses
Uncover the strengths and weaknesses currently within your company and how to capitalize on them to strengthen market positioning.
Identify Market
Opportunities & Threats
Uncover growth Opportunities and potential Threats within your market that could affect the growth of your company.
Incorporate Mitigating
Strategies For Growth
Develop a strategic plan for turning Weaknesses into Strengths and protecting again potential market Threats.
What People Are Saying...
“As a new business owner I quickly came to realize that I was in over my head when it came to knowing how to grow my business. A friend introduced me to Danna Olivo with MarketAtomy. She immediately put me through their S.W.O.T. Analysis eLearning program. This 15-minute training brought tremendous clarity and direction about where my business was positioned int he market and what I needed to work on first.”
Andy K., Founder – Assist-Care
“I recently signed up for and completed the De-Mystifying the S.W.O.T.” webinar. OMG! I was amazed at how this analysis helped me understand what I needed to do to grow my small business. What I enjoyed more than anything was how Danna walked me through the entire process (with my worksheets) so that I could conduct the analysis on my own business. No more “Shelf-help” for this lady!”
Janet C. – Executive Coach
“I can’t tell you how many webinars, seminars and workshops that I have sat through only to leave with nothing to show for the time and money spent. I’m a software geek and struggle with building my business. By signing up to the S.W.O.T. Analysis webinar I was able to identify where my company’s strengths and weaknesses were. I quickly realized that one of my weaknesses was me! I’m not a business owner. I soft-skills were very weak and therefore I was terrible at leadership, networking and marketing. I figured out that those were the areas I needed to focus on to grow my business.”
Thomas J., CEO – TDG Technologies