5 Mistakes To Avoid When Writing A Business Plan

An eLearning Webinar for Small Business

Before you sit down to write that business plan take a step back and take stock. WHY are you writing the plan? Is it to raise money? Is it to communicate your mission/vision for your company? It makes a difference in the type of plan you write.

This 10-minute educational video speaks to the 5 common mistakes that business owners often make when writing a business plan for their new business. When attempting to develop a business plan it is critical to keep in mind the reader and how they interpret what you have written. 

Viewers of this video will walk away with a good understanding of the types of business plans and what mistakes to avoid to better position their plan for achieving the goal intended.

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What You'll Learn In This Short Webinar

We will introduce you to the different types of business plans and what the readers are looking for.

You will learn the 5 common mistakes most business plan writers make and why they should be avoided