We all have heard the concept of Branding Strategy but do you have one? Do you know if your marketing message is being received? Are you sure it is the right message? Have you checked lately?

Have you ever had the experience of a common marketing concept explained in a way that shed a whole new light on the topic? As a seasoned marketing professional I thought I had heard it all  – I pride myself on staying current and making sure that I understand and can implement new and evolving trends to consistently communicate my marketing message in everything I do.

But one thing I have learned in the many years that I have been doing this business is that even the oldest trends can be re-tooled with a slightly different twist, for a whole new impact. This happened to me recently and made me rethink my current marketing program.

5 Point Social Media Strategy

Last year I completed a 6-week intense study program on social media to become certified as a Social Marketer for the AEC Industry through Social Media Magic University (SMMU). One of the last classes that I participated in focused on developing mysocial media strategy. The entire program was extremely informative and well formulated but there was one point the instructor hit on that struck home. It wasn’t a new concept, but the tried and true aspect of getting your marketing message out.

As a marketer I understand the importance of strategic planning, of developing a marketing program that delivers a consistent message to my target audience. Whether it is sustainability, quality, on-time delivery or bonding, the message should come through loud and clear. I also know that the message should be changed up now and again to keep it relevant. This instructor boiled down the messaging concept into a five-point statement that gets straight to the bottom line as follow:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. What can you do for ME?
  4. Can you prove it?
  5. Who else says so?

What a concept! These five points should resonate throughout every marketing medium that you utilize from print collateral, to your website, to your presentations to your social media program.

Keep Transmitting the Message

In the AEC environment, which is solely service-based…proof that the message is getting out relies exclusively on client feedback. If you are not following up and confirming that your message is getting out and being received, and you are performing to the expectations you set, then you are just spinning your wheels. These five points are what service-based marketing is all about.

Too many AEC firms tend to “drop the ball” after winning the project.  Typically after the win, marketing and business development bow out and operations takes over.  The problem? Operations doesn’t realize that even though you’ve won, you must still market,  you must perform to the expectation that your marketing message conveyed and garner customer feedback that you are doing so – especially via testimonials.  How do you get these?  You ask!

Many AEC firms have been able to get away without much marketing effort because there just wasn’t that much competition, only a few key players could handle certain size jobs and awards were rotated amongst these. With today’s economic situation this is rapidly changing and evolving, availability of information, globalization, technological advances and new competition all mean more firms are now in a position to compete for the same work. Everyone professes to have an edge over the competition but can you prove it? Who else says so?

Client expectations for performance, value, and results are also on the rise. Today’s successful firms realize that technical expertise and project experience are not enough—active promotion of your marketing message by everyone in your company is essential to compete and grow.

Call us to find out how we can help you develop your strategy and get the word out!

DAVNA Enterprises is a marketing solutions firm dedicated to the Architectural, Engineering and Construction industry to improve the effectiveness of their marketing initiatives and keeping marketing professionals apprised of new and upcoming marketing tools and resources.

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