personal branding strategy
“Your Image…Your Choice”. That is the tagline for the business of my new “best friend” Varian with Chosen Image Group.
For those who don’t know already, I have been in the marketing biz for more than 25 years and can rattle off a number of proven reasons why firms need a branding strategy and need to brand and market themselves within the corporate environment to effectively communicate their products or services to potential customers. But, did you know that branding also applies to yourself personally?
Our society is becoming more and more image–based. The single greatest influence on a first impression is someone’s physical appearance. People make assumptions about you based on what you look like, what you are wearing and the sum of the little details, like hair, nails, makeup and shoes. Impressions, valuations and decisions are made within seconds even before you have opened your mouth to speak.
As a Christmas present my husband gave me a personal image consultant since I have embarked on my own venture. I always knew that personal appearance is the first step to making an impression on others. What I did not realize is that your personal appearance can be altered by state-of-mind. What you wear on the outside can make a different impression based your mind-set. Your mind, body and speech have to be in sync to effectively brand yourself. My lesson learned today is that as individuals we communicate three ways, visually, verbally and non-verbally. Communication is: 7% Words, 38% Tone and 55% non-verbal. So I figure that if I look good and feel good, I only have to put out 45% of the effort to get my message across to the person I am talking to.
Varian asked what kind of reaction I would like to get on my own personal brand. As I thought about it I said…I would love to walk into a room and have the important “C-Levels” (that is Varian’s term for the corporate big-wigs) seek me out. I want to portray a brand of approachable confidence, backed by my expert knowledge.
Doable? We’ll have to wait and see. I am all for anything that will make my job easier and give me a heads-up in the corporate environment. Imagine what Simon Cowell thought when he first saw Susan Boyle on Britain’s Idol. What do you think his reaction was after the first few notes came out of her mouth? Did he eat crow? It sure looked like it on the playbacks. The truth of the matter is, most of us do not get the chance to change a person’s first impression like Susan did.
The best part of all…Shopping!
Until next time…DJO